Control Your Life Without Being Controlled
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
Antonio Tripodi
2007-09-06 16:18:00 UTC
Dear Very Important Person

New Day Reform will give anyone hurt and down-trodden the chance to seek justice against those who have mistreated them.

For more information please go to newdayreform.com.

If you do not want to receive further emails from New Day Reform please send a blank email with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject line to ***@newdayreform.com.

Thank You

Antonio Tripodi
Founder and Head of New Day Reform
Mobile: +61403 834 338
e-mail: ***@newdayreform.com
WEB: newdayreform.com

MAF Anti-Spam ID: 20070809014823S7t8HgJ8
Andreas Kohlbach
2007-09-06 23:50:24 UTC
Post by Antonio Tripodi
Dear Very Important Person
Muss das nicht Dear $USER_FROM_DATABASE heißen?

Und die richtige [TM] Gruppe hat man ja gleich erwischt. Fast.

Post by Antonio Tripodi
If you do not want to receive further emails from New Day Reform please
Post by Antonio Tripodi
send a blank email with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject line to [...]
Thank You


Scheint grade in mehreren DE Gruppen aufzuschlagen, vielleicht kann mal
wer abräumen?

X'post + F'up dan-an.
Andreas (PGP Key available on public key servers)
85. It didn't do that a minute ago...
--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say